At FBI Business Center we can conduct project procurement-related reviews (PPRRs) or proactive integrity reviews to help prevent and detect integrity violations. In this context, companies and agencies that execute and implement government-supported projects may need the following:
- Control Environment
An organizational chart in relation to FBI Business Center project management that is based on the implementation arrangements specified in the financing agreement.
Documented job descriptions and/or adequate staff orientation to clarify the roles and responsibilities of each staff member assigned to the project.
Project procedure manual or documented instructions, which includes the key processes for procurement, including contract award, financial management, and contract management.
Project records management procedures and a storage/filing system for original and photocopies of project source documents for easy retrieval.
A list of names/positions of authorized signatories and their related specimen signatures to withdrawal applications as well as interim progress payments, certificates of inspection, acceptance and completion.
Qualified and experienced engineers to supervise and inspect the construction works, and prepare associated reports.
An asset register for goods purchased out of the project funds that is kept updated.
- Procurement Process
Staff members, specifically those handling project procurement, that have received training on the procurement process.
A written approval and recording system for accessing unopened bids.
A bid evaluation committee that has been trained to evaluate bids for government-financed contracts that was formed solely for the procurement process of the project.
- Due Process System
An ethical code of conduct with written instructions for handling internal and/or external complaints, including unethical behavior.
A system to record associations and related parties to staff to monitor potential conflict of interest.
Financial Management and Accounting System
A qualified project financial management team that includes a full-time accountant.
- A back-up of project financial records
Access controls in financial records to ensure that they are free from manipulation.
Project staff, specifically those handling project disbursements, that have received training on the disbursement process.
Adequate separation of duties (e.g. staff who account for invoices does not approve invoices, pay contractors, or perform bank reconciliations).
Certifications to confirm delivery of goods/services or certificate of inspection to certify physical progress of works before processing payments.
Dual authorization for payments, with contractors/suppliers paid through checks.
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