Photo: Iurie Barbaroș, Eastern Partnership ICT Innovation Forum 2024 in Moldova (from right to left, cluster participants with ESCA certificates, Gerd Meier zu Köcker, Natalie Kvachantiradze)
In a warm business atmosphere, full of news and development opportunities, yesterday the Eastern Partnership ICT Innovation Forum brought together to Chisinau key leaders from across Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine — to discuss how innovation clusters could shape the digital economy and drive economical development forward.
Enthusiastic participants of all ages, policymakers, cluster organizations and digital innovation experts from Eastern Europe, shared their strategies to strengthen innovation clusters and help small businesses thrive in the new realms of their regional markets.
During the event, a participant from Ukraine brought a unique vibe to the gathering:
Iurie Barbaroș: Please introduce yourself. How was your experience today?
Vasyl Tkachuk: My name is Vasyl Tkachuk. I'm a development programs manager at APPAU (Association of Industrial Automation of Ukraine / Асоціація Підприємств Промислової Автоматизації України). It’s an automation association in Ukraine, as well as part of the Ukrainian Cluster Alliance.
I really enjoyed the atmosphere of communication and collaboration between different countries, clusters, organizations, people, and leaders. It’s truly inspiring. This is the future because the future lies in consolidation, collaboration, and communication. It’s also incredibly interesting. Real diplomacy isn’t just about wearing suits and sitting around a table; it’s about talking, communicating, collaborating, and creating impactful projects for people, humanity, and the planet. That’s why I enjoyed this event focused on innovation — it’s the future, and it’s really fantastic.
Iurie Barbaroș: Did you received a certificate today?
Vasyl Tkachuk: Yes, we received a bronze certificate from ESCA (European Secretariat for Cluster Analysis), and we’re very proud of it.
Iurie Barbaroș: What does this certificate mean to you?
Vasyl Tkachuk: Well, it’s an achievement, first of all — it’s an excellent recognition. This certificate confirms that we’re working according to high-quality criteria, both European and global. It means a lot to us because it shows we’re moving in the right direction and aligning our processes with those of other countries and the European Union. This is especially important now, as Ukraine is in the process of European integration. We’re harmonizing various areas — our legislative system, economy, and more — with European Union standards. This certificate represents the first step, a milestone on this path, aligning us with European benchmarks and standards.
Iurie Barbaroș: Do you have any suggestions for Moldova — what could be improved, and what stood out to you?
Vasyl Tkachuk: I haven’t done a deep analysis of what’s happening in Moldova, but I really like what I see here. I think the idea of creating a National Association of Clusters is a great one. In Ukraine, we already have this association, and it has been tremendously helpful. It sets quality and strategic standards for where we’re going. It serves as a platform for consolidation, which is why I strongly support this idea and recommend continuing in this direction. Yes, definitely — keep moving forward.
Organized by EU4Digital in partnership with the European Clusters Alliance, the forum served as a platform for sharing experiences, addressing challenges, and fostering collaboration. Stakeholders, from international donors to national experts, exchanged ideas on building stronger ecosystems that support both startups and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) across the region. Also EU4Digital has prepared a second report on EU Best practices in cluster management, which you can access right here >>
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